A psychological assessment is a process in which a psychologist gathers information using a combination of different techniques, including observation, interviews and psychological testing, to arrive at an hypothesis about a person and their functioning, personality and capabilities.
There can be a number of reasons for conducting a psychological assessment, for example, to offer psychological treatment, to help obtain compensation for a personal injury following an accident, or to provide a personality and capabilities assessment that will help in choosing a profession. It can also be undertaken to offer an IQ assessment.
If an assessment is conducted for therapeutic purposes, I will gather information about you and your problems to plan therapeutic interventions for you.
During the assessment I will listen to you while you tell me about the problems and issues that are bothering you. I will carry out a psychometric assessment if necessary. You can also request a heart rate variability assessment.
After obtaining the necessary information, I will explain to you how I will be able to help you, which will include providing an explanation of various treatment approaches that would be best suited for your needs. We will set up goals you would like to achieve by the end of the treatment.
At this stage, all you need is the willingness to change and a commitment to work towards achieving your goals.